Spectator humiliated

“Completely disturbed”: SWR distances itself from Pocher

22.05.2024 11:29

Oliver Pocher (46) made nasty jokes in his show at the expense of a female viewer. The woman reacted very emotionally and even had to be looked after afterwards. The broadcaster SWR has now distanced itself from Pocher and issued a public statement.

According to the "Stuttgarter Zeitung", comedian Oliver Pocher (46) caused an uproar during a show at the SWR Summer Festival at the weekend by making a woman from the audience the target of his jokes. In the end, she even had to be looked after by a member of staff.

Broadcaster issues statement
The broadcaster also commented on the unpleasant incident. A spokeswoman for SWR told RND: "Exposures like the one last Sunday have no place in a public service program". The aim of Oliver Pocher's show was to reach target groups that SWR would otherwise find difficult to reach, but this "failed completely".

Pocher exposes female viewer
During his performance, Oliver Pocher, who posted a video of the show on Instagram, asked the single viewers to identify themselves by raising their hands. Two women from the audience, among others, raised their hands, whereupon the comedian rushed to them.

The 46-year-old peppered the women with intimate questions. After learning that one of the two women had always been single, the comedian asked if she had ever had sex. The audience member replied in the negative, whereupon Pocher brought the subject up again several times during the show.

Woman "completely distraught"after show
He also asked the woman about her work. According to the "Stuttgarter Zeitung", the young woman was left "completely distraught" after the end of the show. She is said to have feared that her employer would find out about her conversation with the comedian, as she had also called him during the show.

The distraught woman had to be looked after and comforted by an SWR employee. She is said to have assured her that the recordings would not be broadcast by the station.

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