Storage levy increased

Germans “exacerbate” gas situation in Austria

21.05.2024 19:28

Germany is increasing the controversial gas storage levy from 1.86 euros to 2.50 euros per megawatt hour from July. This will also have a massive impact on Austrian imports from and exports to Germany. The government in Vienna renewed its criticism on this occasion.

"The gas storage levy makes the purchase of non-Russian gas more expensive and thus makes it more difficult to diversify our gas supply," Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler announced on Tuesday. "The increase will further exacerbate this situation," criticized Gewessler. From the point of view of domestic experts, the levy is contrary to European law, she reminded. However, talks with Germany for a reversal have apparently not been successful so far. The EU Commission therefore initiated a pilot procedure in March as the first step in the infringement proceedings. "We expect the next steps to follow quickly," said the Minister.

Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler is hoping for support from Brussels in the fight against the German gas storage levy. (Bild: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER)
Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler is hoping for support from Brussels in the fight against the German gas storage levy.

What is the gas storage levy?
The gas storage levy is a surcharge on the gas price that was introduced during the energy crisis. Germany wants to use the levy to cover the costs of gas storage. The surcharge was initially introduced in 2022 at 59 cents per megawatt hour due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and its impact on the energy market.

This is how the Germans justify the increase in the levy
At that time, the German government had set the minimum filling quantities in order to ensure sufficient gas reserves, especially during the winter. Trading Hub Europe GmbH justified the current increase by stating that gas had to be purchased at high prices in 2022 to fill the storage facilities, but was later sold at significantly lower prices. This was due to developments on the global market on the one hand and a significant decline in gas consumption in Germany on the other.

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