Without the landlord's knowledge

The brother’s cows are already at the Mayrhofalm

22.05.2024 10:00

Peter Seidl's brother is now fighting back in the inheritance dispute over the Mayrhofalm in Werfenweng. The farmer has now unceremoniously herded his cattle onto the pasture he claims for himself.

The panorama camera on Schnapfenriedl in Werfenweng has been dark since Whit Monday. If it were active and provided images, you could watch the cattle grazing in the area of the Mayrhofalm. A juicy detail: the cows there belong to Josef Seidl, the brother of Peter Seidl and opponent in the inheritance dispute over the alpine pasture - the "Krone" reported.

"Don't want to take anything away from anyone"
The Seidl brothers have been at loggerheads for years. The dispute has come to a head since the death of their mother in 2018. Lawyers and courts have long been involved. "We don't want to take anything away from anyone," says Josef Seidl to "Krone" on the phone. But his brother is not entitled to the alpine pasture. It should never have been separated from the farm, encumbered or sold. But that is exactly what happened in their mother's will - Peter Seidl received the Mayrhofalm.

Peter Seidl has closed his hut on the Mayrhofalm for the time being because of the inheritance dispute. (Bild: Gerhard Schiel)
Peter Seidl has closed his hut on the Mayrhofalm for the time being because of the inheritance dispute.
The cows are already on the alp. They are his brother's cattle. (Bild: Gerhard Schiel)
The cows are already on the alp. They are his brother's cattle.

Without further ado, Josef Seidl has now driven them up to the high pasture. For the first time ever and without the knowledge of his brother and alpine pasture owner Peter. Previously, he had only informed his lawyer that his brother's family should vacate the pasture by May 20. The landlords had to give in involuntarily because the cows were suddenly grazing on the mountain pasture. Although the popular alpine hut with bar is not affected for the time being, it remains closed for the time being.

New legal disputes as a consequence
It is likely that serious mistakes were made by the authorities when the farm was handed over and the alp was transferred. And now, years later, these are causing a stir. What will happen next? Once again, only protracted legal disputes will tell.

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read the original article here.

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