Styrians as pioneers

How violence outpatient clinics should convict more perpetrators

06.05.2024 15:37

The new and expanded violence outpatient clinic was opened at the Medical University of Graz on Monday and is intended to serve as a model for other facilities throughout Austria. All victims of violence can be examined here at a low-threshold level and have valuable evidence secured.

Eleven women were murdered in Styria last year, almost always by their (ex-)partners or family members. There were 26 femicides throughout Austria. In most cases, the killing was preceded by violent assaults. "According to a study, however, the majority of victims did not contact the authorities. And this is exactly where violence outpatient clinics come in," explained Justice Minister Alma Zadić (Greens) on Monday at the opening of the new violence outpatient clinic at the Medical University of Graz.

A big turnout at the opening of the new violence outpatient clinic at Med Uni Graz: Member of Parliament Sandra Holasek, State Councillor for Social Affairs Doris Kampus, Minister for Women's Affairs Susanne Raab, Institute Director and forensic pathologist Sarah Heinze, Minister of Justice Alma Zadic and Med Uni Vice-Rector Alexander Rosenkranz (from left) (Bild: Jauschowetz Christian)
A big turnout at the opening of the new violence outpatient clinic at Med Uni Graz: Member of Parliament Sandra Holasek, State Councillor for Social Affairs Doris Kampus, Minister for Women's Affairs Susanne Raab, Institute Director and forensic pathologist Sarah Heinze, Minister of Justice Alma Zadic and Med Uni Vice-Rector Alexander Rosenkranz (from left)

This clinical-forensic examination center, as it is called in technical jargon, has existed in Graz since 2008. 150 to 160 people, mainly women, have contacted the violence outpatient clinic in the last year. The facility has now been expanded and moved to the grounds of the Medical University. "The violence outpatient clinic is an important building block in the care of people affected by violence and is available to everyone free of charge and with a low threshold," says Sarah Heinze, forensic pathologist and head of the institute.

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The violence outpatient clinic is an important building block in the care of people affected by violence and is available to everyone free of charge and with a low threshold.

(Bild: Jauschowetz Christian)

Sarah Heinze, Leiterin Gerichtsmedizin Med Uni Graz

Examination from head to toe
The outpatient clinic is open to all people - including children - who have been victims of any form of physical or sexual violence and offers forensic medical examinations, including the preservation of evidence and documentation of injuries, free of charge and without an e-card. "A clinical forensic examination is always carried out from head to toe by specially trained forensic doctors," explains head Sarah Heinze. Victims also receive further advice and support. A report to the police is not necessary for a visit to the outpatient clinic; this decision remains with the victims. They often shy away from doing so out of shame, fear or a feeling of powerlessness.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV)

Evidence is kept for ten years
The evidence collected in the violence outpatient clinic - for example DNA or documented injuries - is kept for ten years so that it can still be used in the event of subsequent charges. It is precisely this kind of evidence that is often missing in court and leads to perpetrators getting away with it. "The conviction rate in Austria is far too low when it comes to violence against women," explains the Minister of Justice. "Every woman and every child has a right to a life free of violence. And we want the perpetrators to be severely punished," added Women's Affairs Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP).

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Every third woman in Austria experiences psychological, physical or sexual violence in the course of her life. We must do everything we can to interrupt the spiral of violence in good time before femicide occurs.


Justizministerin Alma Zadić

"We are also planning to set up a telemedically supported outpatient clinic in Leoben so that as many women as possible can make use of the services of the violence outpatient clinic," says Social Welfare Minister Doris Kampus (SPÖ). A concrete start in Leoben has not yet been set.

The violence outpatient clinic that has existed since 2008 has moved to the Medical University of Graz. (Bild: Jauschowetz Christian)
The violence outpatient clinic that has existed since 2008 has moved to the Medical University of Graz.

Question & answer

1) What does the violence outpatient clinic do for victims?

The facility offers free forensic medical examinations for all victims of physical and sexual violence. Injuries are documented and evidence is secured and stored for ten years. Victims are also advised and referred to other services if necessary.

2) How do I get to an examination at the outpatient clinic?

By prior appointment by telephone (0664/8438241). The outpatient clinic at Neue Stiftingtalstraße 6 (Med Uni Graz) is open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at weekends continuously (Friday 8 a.m. to Monday 4 p.m.). The examination can also take place at other locations depending on the case.

3) Do the police have to be involved or is a report necessary?

No. Investigations take place regardless of the procedure and are also possible without a report. However, it is important to present yourself as soon as possible after the incident in order to preserve evidence as well as possible.

The Styrian violence outpatient clinic is a pilot project that will be used as a model to gradually establish facilities throughout Austria. The next outpatient clinic is due to open in Vienna in the summer.

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