Resolutions reached

Agreement in the electricity dispute between IKB and AK

06.05.2024 11:56

Similar to Tiwag, AK Tirol and IKB have now reached an agreement on an electricity cost relief package for household customers in Innsbruck. IKB's Board of Directors and Supervisory Board have already passed positive resolutions. The necessary shareholder approval is to be given at the Annual General Meeting, which will take place in May.

"In the event of a positive resolution, IKB household customers will receive a corresponding relief contribution over the next few months depending on their electricity consumption," reads a press release from IKB. For a household in Innsbruck with an average annual consumption of between 2300 and 3500 kilowatt hours, this results in an amount of between 102 and 368 euros, depending on annual consumption and product (e.g. boiler). In the case of higher annual consumption, several hundred to more than 1000 euros in relief payments can also add up.

Solution after "constructive discussions"
"I am pleased that we were able to reach an agreement with IKB to reduce the electricity costs of Innsbruck households after constructive talks," says AK President Erwin Zangerl. The designated Mayor of Innsbruck, Johannes Anzengruber, is also satisfied: "Together with the AK President, it was very important to us to achieve financial relief for the people of Innsbruck in the same way as for Tiwag customers. I will bring about the necessary resolutions at the shareholders' meeting."

Internal negotiations between IKB and Tiwag
There are still differences of opinion between IKB and Tiwag, which manages IKB's electricity sales on the basis of existing contracts, on the question of who will bear the costs of IKB's electricity cost relief package. IKB CEO Helmuth Müller commented: "We are still of the clear opinion that Tiwag must pay for the damage incurred by IKB. Internal negotiations with Tiwag will still have to be conducted."

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