Limit reunification

DNA test for new refugees is coming

04.05.2024 18:00

Politicians are looking for ways to limit the excessive reunification of asylum seekers. Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) announces DNA tests for newly arriving refugees to the newspaper "Krone". These are to be used "at the slightest suspicion". The corresponding decree will be tightened as early as next week.

This year, half of the new asylum applications came from underage children. This is increasingly becoming an insurmountable burden for the education system. The situation is particularly dramatic in Vienna, where there are now 18,000 exceptional pupils. Almost one in ten children cannot speak German.

Asylum applications have decreased overall
Overall, however, there were significantly fewer asylum applications. 6922 asylum applications were submitted in the first three months of the year. That is 32 percent less than in the same period last year. The Ministry of the Interior attributes this to consistent action against smugglers, for whom Austria has become unattractive. In March of the previous year, 1150 apprehensions were recorded in Burgenland alone, compared to only 36 in March 2024. The prices for smuggling have also almost doubled due to the countermeasures. For example, between 3,000 and 5,000 euros have to be paid for the journey from Bulgaria to Austria, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

In Vienna, the education system is on the verge of collapse. (Bild: Christian Jauschowetz)
In Vienna, the education system is on the verge of collapse.

Family reunification is becoming a problem
The ÖVP now also wants to severely restrict family reunification - through the increased use of DNA tests. These are to be carried out "even if there is the slightest doubt about the authenticity of documents". At the same time, the use of specially trained document checkers is to be intensified and security checks on family members by the security authorities are to be stepped up.

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We will restrict family reunification through strict checks.


Kanzler Karl Nehammer

"Thanks to intensive border protection and cooperation with partners in the Western Balkans, we have been able to massively reduce apprehensions at our borders. Now family reunification is the next challenge we are tackling, and I am clear on this: we will restrict family reunification through strict checks," announced Nehammer. The stricter DNA tests should "absolutely ensure that there is no abuse here".

No agreement from the Greens necessary
The ÖVP does not need the approval of its Green coalition partner for these measures. Other proposals to restrict family reunification, however, do, or require a change at EU level. Among other things, the People's Party proposes that family members of refugees should only be allowed into the country once they are able to support themselves.

The model for this is the red-white-red card for migrant workers. For family reunification, they need proof of an income of between 1,200 and around 2,000 euros as well as proof of a suitable housing situation. Persons entitled to asylum, on the other hand, can apply for family reunification within three months of receiving their status and do not have to prove their ability to support themselves.

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