Should arrive soon

Run-off election in Innsbruck: polling stations are open

28.04.2024 09:17

The eagerly awaited day has arrived. On Sunday, the decision will be made as to who will be Innsbruck's new mayor. Voting will again take place from 7.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 154 Innsbruck wards. The two candidates have already cast their votes. A result should be available around 6 pm.

This time, just over 100,000 Innsbruck residents were eligible to vote. They were able to cast their votes in 154 districts and 43 polling stations from 7.30 am to 4 pm. Counting of the votes began at 4 pm.

A total of 10,598 absentee ballots were handed out for the election of the mayor, 4240 fewer than for the first round. Anyone who has not yet sent their polling card by post can alternatively hand it in sealed in the electoral district in whose electoral roll they are registered.

The two leading candidates also cast their votes. The first candidate to cast his vote was the incumbent mayor Georg Willi, who arrived at the polling station by bicycle.

BM Georg Willi arrived at the polling station by bike, as he did in the first round... (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
BM Georg Willi arrived at the polling station by bike, as he did in the first round...
...and then answered the journalists' questions. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
...and then answered the journalists' questions.
His opponent, Johannes Anzengruber, also cast his vote in a visibly good mood. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
His opponent, Johannes Anzengruber, also cast his vote in a visibly good mood.
Johannes Anzengruber (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Johannes Anzengruber

While the incumbent is "cautiously optimistic", Anzengruber expects to be ahead.

The turnout will be exciting: In the first round of voting, it rose from 50% in 2018 to 60% now. In the run-off election between Christine Oppitz-Plörer and Georg Willi, only 44% cast their vote, almost as many (or as few) as in 2012.

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