ÖGK rejects application

New MR devices would shorten waiting times

26.04.2024 09:00

Burgenland is to receive two more magnetic resonance imaging scanners to improve care. However, this is currently being thwarted by ÖGK. Gesundheit Burgenland is willing to talk.

Those who can afford it will get it straight away. Those who can't, have to wait: this phenomenon of two-tier medicine is currently being experienced in Burgenland when waiting for an MRI scan on a "sick bill". Mind you: acute cases excluded.

Waiting time of 20 working days fixed by law
In 2018, a maximum waiting time of 20 working days was set by law between social insurance and the Chamber of Commerce. In reality, however, this is currently up to nine weeks. At five locations - one institute in the district of Neusiedl am See, one each at the Barmherzige Brüder Eisenstadt hospital and the Oberwart and Güssing clinics - MRI examinations are covered by the health insurance. There are several reasons for the long waiting times, emphasizes Gesundheit Burgenland, including the increasing demand.

Demand is increasing enormously
While around 14,000 MR examinations were carried out in 2020, the number rose to 17,000 in the previous year. "We also have a quick solution to reduce waiting times again: an additional MRI machine at the Oberpullendorf clinic. This could be installed within six months. Unfortunately, however, ÖGK does not see the need," says a spokesperson for Gesundheit Burgenland. An Eisenstadt radiology institute has also been willing to sign another health insurance contract for years, but has so far also been unsuccessful.

ÖGK: Needs analysis is necessary
ÖGK again refers to the need for a requirements analysis in order to be included in the large-scale equipment plan according to the Austrian Health Structure Plan. Only then would there also be a health insurance contract.

Demand for an objective procedure
As far as a needs assessment for the Oberpullendorf clinic as a new location is concerned, Gesundheit Burgenland states that ÖGK had already clearly signaled in advance that it did not recognize the need. "If it were to bring this up in a review process, the result would most likely be influenced by this. Furthermore, it is a subjective question as to how long patients should be expected to wait for an MR appointment. This question should actually be answered before an objective examination procedure," says Gesundheit Burgenland.

Gesundheit Burgenland is ready to talk
In any case, they are taking the matter very seriously and want waiting times to fall again. Gesundheit Burgenland is therefore naturally prepared to talk to ÖGK again in order to find a solution in the interests of the best possible regional healthcare provision.

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