The "Krone" invites you

Win starting places for “Beat the City”

23.04.2024 18:32

"Beat the City", the toughest sightseeing tour in the world, is once again inspiring thousands of Austrians this year. This year, the races will take place for the eleventh time in Graz and for the fifth time in Linz and Innsbruck and you can be there live. The "Krone" is giving away exclusive starting places for the most spectacular sightseeing event in Austria.

As every year, the thousands of runners, who can of course also start in teams, can expect a route of around 10 km, which is peppered with at least 20 exciting obstacles to overcome.

For young and old
Once again this year, there is the option of starting on the shortened course (5+ km), which should be manageable for everyone. There is once again a very special experience for children and young people. On the day before the adult competitions, the focus is on fun and action for 8 to 15-year-olds. There are around 10 cool obstacles to overcome over a distance of two kilometers. You can find out which obstacles await you and all other information HERE.

Take part and win
Want to be part of this action-packed event? The "Krone" is giving away

  • 20 starting places for the Grazathlon on June 8, 2024 in Augarten,
  • 20 starting places for the Innsbruckathlon on June 29, 2024 at the Landestheater and
  • 30 starting places for the Linzathlon on May 25, 2024 at the lower Donaulände

Simply select the distance you want to compete in the form below and with a little luck you will be one of the lucky winners! Closing date for entries is May 1, 11:59 pm.

The competition is closed. Thank you for the numerous entries.
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