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Jenewein plays it down: Only “loose contact” with Ott

16.04.2024 15:58

Following the latest revelations in the espionage affair surrounding former constitutional protector Egisto Ott, ex-FPÖ mandatary Hans-Jörg Jenewein has rejected all accusations. His relationship with Ott was a "loose contact" and not a close acquaintance, he said on Tuesday in an initial statement on the serious allegations.

At no time was he aware that Ott or people close to him could have had links to the Russian secret service, Jenewein's lawyers explained. Furthermore, there had never been any cash flows or other benefits to Ott, whom Jenewein had met in the summer of 2018, or to people close to him.

Wirecard job offer not disputed, but relativized
No money had been paid for the data from the work cell phone of former Interior Ministry cabinet chief Michael Kloibmüller either. They had been sent to Jenewein anonymously on a USB stick. Jenewein did not deny a job offer at Wirecard, but at the time of Ott's proposal in fall 2019, it was only known about Wirecard "that it would be a 'financial services provider'", the lawyers said. Jenewein had also never worked for the Group.

The linchpin of the Russian espionage affair: ex-BVT agent Egisto Ott in custody (Bild: Patrick Huber, romanevgenev, Krone KREATIV)
The linchpin of the Russian espionage affair: ex-BVT agent Egisto Ott in custody

With regard to the documents that Jenewein is said to have received from the cabinet of the then Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ), the lawyers explained that their client had received the documents anyway due to his activities. At the time, Jenewein was FPÖ parliamentary group chairman in the BVT committee of inquiry.

Nazi connection denied for confiscated objects
Regarding the objects found in a search of Jenewein's home in 2021, the lawyers emphasized that no objects or propaganda materials with a Nazi connection had been seized in Jenewein's house or apartment. The brass knuckles came from his father's estate and had been placed in the front room with other objects for disposal.

Hitler comment "flippant and sarcastic"
The leftover ammunition had been left over after a visit to a shooting range. Jenewein also had a gun ownership card at the time. A comment ("nice vacation souvenir") on a photo of a T-shirt with Hitler's likeness, which had been sent to him, was a "flippant, sarcastic remark".
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