"The very last thing"

Uproar over photo of Leni Klum in a cheeky bra look

16.04.2024 09:59

Ouch! That backfired on her! Heidi Klum's daughter Leni Klum posted a photo of her Coachella look on Instagram and was heavily criticized for it.

The Coachella music festival in the Californian Colorado desert is an opportunity for many stars to style themselves outlandishly and show off their sexy side.

Excitement over Cossack cap
Model Leni Klum danced there belly-free in baggy jeans. She boldly styled a black lace bra from the brand she promotes together with her mother Heidi Klum. She also plaited her hair and donned a Cossack-style fur hat. She posted a photo of her look, in which she poses with artist Jaden Miller, on Instagram.

That's all she needed! Because the sight of the fur hat on her head had a tinder-like effect on her account and it was met with angry insults.

"The very last thing"
"A fur hat in this day and age is really the last straw!!!" complained one follower, while another immediately unfollowed the Klum daughter. "I won't be following you anymore."

Other users were more gracious and took the approach that it had not been proven that it was a real fur hat. After all, there are fake furs that look damn real.

To calm the excitement, the 19-year-old, whose father is the Italian Forme 1 manager Flavio Briatore, should perhaps briefly clarify if it is a faux fur hat.

However, she probably wouldn't please everyone with that either.

Fake and not?
Fake fur fashion also meets with massive criticism. Since artificial fur now looks like real fur and the difference is often indistinguishable, influencers like Leni Klum are helping to make fur looks socially acceptable with their style, regardless of whether they are real or fake.

Anyone who rejects fur should therefore also reject fakes.

And, just to mention it, some of Leni's followers don't like the belly button in her photo either. As it almost disappears, she is accused of Photoshop botching.

Oldest Klum daughter
Leni Klum is the eldest of the four children of 'Germany's Next Topmodel' presenter Heidi Klum. She was adopted by Klum's second husband Seal, who is the father of her half-siblings Lou (14), Henry (18) and Johan (17).

She launched her career in 2021 when she posed with her mother for the cover of German Vogue.

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