"Weighing up carefully"

Israel’s reaction to Iran’s attack still unclear

14.04.2024 13:13

Israel's government wants to carefully weigh up its response to the major Iranian attack. This was stated by Foreign Minister Israel Katz on Sunday. The specific response would be discussed under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"We have said: if Iran attacks Israel, we will attack Iran. And this commitment is still valid," said Israel's Foreign Minister Katz. He said he trusted that the appropriate and correct decisions would be made. According to Israeli media, the war cabinet will meet at 2.30 p.m. (CEST). Katz would have met with Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg and Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (both ÖVP) in Austria on Tuesday, but has now postponed the visit.

Chief of the General Staff assesses the situation
Defense Minister Yoav Galant said on Friday that a direct attack by Iran would "require an appropriate Israeli response against Iran". Chief of the General Staff Herzi Halevi was assessing the situation at the Air Force Operations Center, the military announced during the night.

The Iranian leadership under Ebrahim Raisi in turn spoke of a "lesson." "The punishment of the aggressor, which was the sincere promise of the powerful and wise leader of the Islamic Revolution, has been fulfilled. We advise the supporters of the occupying regime to appreciate this responsible and proportionate action of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Raisi said on Sunday.

Hamas: "Deserved response"
The attack on Israel is apparently "appreciated" by the terrorist organization Hamas. "We in Hamas regard the military operation by the Islamic Republic of Iran as a natural right and a deserved response to the crime at the Iranian consulate in Damascus and the assassination of several leaders of the Revolutionary Guards," it said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also spoke of the UN Charter's right to self-defense. At the same time, all sides were called upon to exercise restraint. "Irresponsible provocative actions" would further exacerbate the conflicts. Russia's government is a close ally of Iran and also obtains weapons from there for the war against Ukraine.

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