"Krone" commentary

The EU asylum compromise is full of loopholes

14.04.2024 06:00

The mountain gave birth to a little mouse - (according to the Roman poet Horace): After eight years of wrangling, the EU has reached an agreement on asylum reform (except Hungary, of course). The basis is the lowest common denominator - and new squabbles are already on the horizon. The aim is to put a stop to the smugglers and end the deaths in the Mediterranean - a mere hope, nothing more.

Irregular migrants are to be deported more quickly. Who will carry out forcible mass deportations from camps? To where? Who will take them in?

Has it all been thought through? Green judges see red when it comes to so-called "unsafe countries".

It is right that the right to asylum should remain untouched, but it is an individual right - not a collective one.oppression is the norm in most countries around the world. Those who seek a better life there have no grounds for asylum, but those who are individually persecuted do. Applications for asylum could also be made at embassies.

There is no doubt that mass migration from conspicuous cultural groups that are unwilling to integrate must be restricted. Let's hear from a key witness who is beyond any doubt, the GDR civil rights activist and former German president Joachim Gauck: "Limiting irregular immigration is not morally reprehensible and is even politically necessary if the democratic order is in danger."

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