Until the 12th week

Poland’s left wants to legalize abortions

12.04.2024 11:46

In Poland, the co-governing left-wing alliance Lewica is campaigning for abortion to be legal up to the twelfth week (see video above). Currently, assisting an abortion carries a prison sentence of up to three years.

"This is a harsh punishment for a loving husband, a partner, a mother, a sister, a friend who wants to help and buys the pills with which pregnancies are most often terminated today," said MP Maria Zukowska in a parliamentary debate on Thursday. Prime Minister Donald Tusk had promised a liberalization of the abortion law during the election campaign, but his three-party government is now arguing about how far the relaxation should go.

Protest against the strict abortion ban (archive image) (Bild: APA/AFP/JANEK SKARZYNSKI)
Protest against the strict abortion ban (archive image)

One of the strictest laws in Europe
Polish abortion law is one of the strictest in Europe. Abortion is only permitted after rape or incest or if the life of the pregnant woman is in danger. If the foetus has severe malformations, those affected may not have an abortion.

The already strict law was made even stricter in 2020. As a result, there have been several cases in recent years in which pregnant women have died during treatment in hospital after doctors did not decide to terminate the pregnancy despite complications.

Four bills have already been submitted to Parliament (pictured). (Bild: APA/AFP/JANEK SKARZYNSKI)
Four bills have already been submitted to Parliament (pictured).

Four drafts submitted
In the meantime, the three coalition partners have submitted four draft bills to parliament for liberalization - previously there were only two. These include, for example, general liberalization up to the twelfth week. Other proposals provide for exemption from punishment or permission in the event of danger to the pregnant woman and foetus.

Polish Parliament President Szymon Holownia would like to put the issue to a referendum. If the majority vote in favor of a solution, the pressure on President Andrzej Duda would be greater. He has so far vetoed a new law. In a survey in November 2022, 70 percent of respondents stated that they were in favor of the unrestricted right to terminate a pregnancy up to the 12th week.

Time limit regulation in Austria
In Austria, abortions within the first three months are generally exempt from punishment, but are still regulated in the Criminal Code. If there is a risk to the life of the pregnant woman or the foetus, or if the pregnant woman was under 14 years old at the time of conception, abortions may also be carried out later.

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