Reduce risk

Cancer risk: your lifestyle can save your life!

11.04.2024 15:05

In Austria, more than 50 billion euros are spent on health every year. This corresponds to 5585 euros per inhabitant. Unfortunately, only a vanishingly small amount is spent on information about lifestyle measures that reduce the risk of cancer. But individuals also have to make a conscious decision to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Experts from the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg (Germany) have analyzed a total of 440,000 people between the ages of 35 and 84 with cancer for risk factors whose causal relationship with the development of cancer is considered certain. Their conclusion: 37.4 percent of the cancers observed are largely attributable to avoidable lifestyle measures.

Diet, exercise, stress
"The most important factors include smoking, lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits and obesity, which is linked to both of the latter factors," explains Prof. Dr. Heinz Ludwig from theWilheminen Cancer Research Institute in Vienna.

Both authors consider their results to be underestimates, as there is little or no generally accepted data for some risk factors. These include sunlight, chronic stress and the role of cancer screening examinations.

Prevention more important than expected
"An example of the latter point is cancer screening for malignant melanoma. In individual cases, this can lead to the early diagnosis of malignant melanoma," says the oncologist. However, the evidence required for a scientifically sound recommendation for screening (proof of a significant reduction in deaths from melanoma due to regular skin examinations) is not yet available.

In contrast, a significant reduction in deaths from colon carcinoma (bowel cancer) has been demonstrated for screening colonoscopy.

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Both personal responsibility and comprehensive information on prevention options provided by the healthcare system are required.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Heinz Ludwig, Onkologe in Wien

Many factors difficult to map
Other factors, such as integration into a sustainable social network, meaningful activities, for example voluntary work, or conscious measures such as fasting or a vegan diet, are difficult to measure statistically. Their duration and intensity are often subject to major fluctuations over the course of a person's life.

Use vaccination programs
Prof. Ludwig: "The recommended lifestyle measures also include a willingness to take advantage of vaccination programs. In Austria, for example, we are still a long way from the goal of a 90 percent vaccination coverage rate with HPV vaccines. This would not only significantly reduce the incidence of cervical cancer (malignant tumors of the cervix), but also that of other tumors of the genital area (vulva, penis), anal and ENT cancers. The basic immunization against hepatitis B offered in Austria should also reduce liver cancer in the long term."

Implement recommendations, prevent disease
Strict implementation of the above recommendations would save many people from being diagnosed with cancer and the associated discomfort, stress and possible shortening of their lives.

Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases would also be on the decline. This could massively reduce the need for diagnostic and treatment facilities.

Healthcare system is spared
"All of this can be expressed in a simple formula: a health-conscious lifestyle can save lives and, as a side effect, save valuable resources for the healthcare system," says Prof. Ludwig.

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