Amputation threatened

In hospital with sepsis: concern for Til Schweiger!

11.04.2024 13:20

Great concern for Til Schweiger: As reported by the "Bild" newspaper, the 60-year-old is in a clinic on Mallorca. He is battling sepsis, or blood poisoning, which could be fatal in the worst case scenario.

The "Bild" newspaper reached Schweiger in hospital. He has been on antibiotics for two weeks, he confirmed, "because I've had a wound on my leg since August. I hit my shin at the time and germs got into it. Now I have an 'open leg', that's what they call it. Unfortunately, it got worse and worse."

Amputation was imminent
According to reports, there was even a brief risk that Schweiger's infected leg would have to be amputated.

The actor is currently receiving support from his family. His children Lilli (25), Luna (27) and Valentin (28) have traveled to Mallorca to visit him regularly in hospital.

Schweiger is feeling worse again
And Schweiger urgently needs support, as he is currently feeling worse again, as he revealed. "I got a fever on Thursday night."

But Schweiger doesn't want to give in, because he is determined to fly to New York for the premiere of the new Guy Ritchie film "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare". Schweiger played in the star director's film. "But after that I would have to go back to the clinic straight away. I haven't given up hope that it might work out after all."

Premiere is shaky
In any case, Schweiger's next examination is scheduled for Saturday. "With an MRI, Doppler sonography and ultrasound," he revealed. Will he then get the okay from the doctors? So far, they have not yet approved Schweiger's premiere plans because they fear further complications.

Sepsis is an out-of-control reaction of the body to an infection caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. In the worst case, there is a risk of organ failure, shock and death.
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