Greens and NEOS:

FPÖ is the biggest security risk in Austria

10.04.2024 15:00

Red alert or everything in the green zone? FPÖ leader Christof Bitschi and the representatives of the other state parliamentary parties interpreted the recently presented crime statistics very differently in the current hour.

For Christof Bitschi, the figures in the latest crime statistics are obviously a major cause for concern. Under the title "Making Vorarlberg safe again - finally tackling the security problems in the state with effective measures", he wanted to talk about these very issues at the beginning of the state parliament session.

He quickly found the reason for a slight increase in robberies and other crimes. "We have let people into the country who haven't even begun to integrate, people who don't abide by the law," he ranted. 45 percent of suspects are foreigners!

Yes, he knows that the majority of them are German, but when it comes to crimes at known hotspots such as Dornbirn train station, the perpetrators always come from the same countries of origin.

Time and again, major or minor crimes occur at hotspots such as Dornbirn railroad station. (Bild: Mathis Fotografie)
Time and again, major or minor crimes occur at hotspots such as Dornbirn railroad station.

Bitschi also made accusations against the responsible members of government at federal and state level, who are doing too little to improve working conditions in the police force. "The promised Vorarlberg bonus has not materialized. I don't believe that a job bike will ensure that more police officers are found or that those already employed won't resign."

Overall, more video surveillance is needed in public places, qualified immigration instead of crime tourism, consistent deportation of asylum seekers who have committed crimes, more security forces and - as in Switzerland - a reduction in the age of criminal responsibility from 14 to 12.

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You have not dealt with the facts, but arbitrarily picked out figures and taken them completely out of context!

Eva Hammerer, Landessprecherin der Grünen

"They can't come up with much apart from badmouthing children's prisons and the work of the police," raged Green Party leader Eva Hammerer. She was also outraged by Bitschi's interpretation of the crime statistics: "They didn't look at the facts, but arbitrarily cherry-picked figures and took them completely out of context!"

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Anyone who waits months for a German course, is not allowed to work and just loiters around at the train station will get stupid ideas.

Johannes Gasser, Klubobmann der NEOS

Just like NEOS Club leader Johannes Gasser later, Hammerer referred to the involvement of the federal FPÖ in espionage affairs and criticized the close exchange between some FPÖ politicians and Russia. Hammerer and Gasser quickly agreed on one point: the biggest security risk in Austria is the FPÖ!

Integration and social work as a solution
As far as criminal asylum seekers were concerned, repatriation agreements were needed, said the pink party leader. However, it must also be considered why one or the other becomes a criminal. "Anyone who waits eight months for a German course, is not allowed to work and just loiters around at the train station is more susceptible to alcohol and drugs and is more likely to think stupid thoughts."

SPÖ club leader Manuela Auer. (Bild: Marcel Mayer)
SPÖ club leader Manuela Auer.

Better conditions for all those who are not doing so well in Vorarlberg, demanded SPÖ party leader Manuela Auer. Reliable social benefits and good social work could help to reduce the crime rate.

The ÖVP was relatively unimpressed by Bitschi's comments. "It's not the statistics that are important, but the measures - and we are well positioned here," explained security spokesperson Thomas Winsauer. "Vorarlberg is one of the safest places in the world," added Regional Security Councillor Christian Gantner.

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