Positive trend

Significant decline in eviction proceedings

04.04.2024 17:17

Time and again, tenants get into financial difficulties and are threatened with eviction. Last year, the relevant coordination office in Vorarlberg had to deal with 424 households.

Having a secure roof over one's head is one of the most basic human needs. If this need can no longer be met, there is a risk that many other areas of life will also become precarious. In order to prevent homelessness from arising in the first place, Vorarlberg has been offering appropriate assistance for around 20 years, first and foremost through the ifs Coordination Office for Delocation Prevention. Last year, this office dealt with 424 households at risk of eviction, around 100 more than in the previous year.

In 87 percent of these cases, the housing was secured or another apartment was found before the eviction. This figure represents an increase of four percent compared to the previous year. State Social Welfare Minister Katharina Wiesflecker and Heidi Lorenzi, Head of Housing at the ifs (Institute for Social Welfare), pointed to an "overall positive trend" on Thursday: despite inflation and population growth, the number of judicial eviction proceedings in Vorarlberg has fallen significantly. Last year, 547 proceedings were carried out, 77 fewer than in 2022.

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Having an apartment and therefore a home is a basic need. This makes it all the more important to receive competent support.

Landesrätin Katharina Wiesflecker (Grüne)

60 percent of cases were not yet pending in court when the coordination office was contacted. "Thanks to the preventative approach, a solution can ultimately be found in most cases," explained Lorenzi. But even in almost three quarters of cases in which an eviction date had already been set, it was still possible to secure the apartment in the end. Incidentally, in more than 90 percent of the cases assisted by the ifs, rent arrears were the reason for the eviction.

Competent support
The ifs coordination office works closely with the existing regional social institutions as well as with local authorities and housing developers. Vogewosi, Alpenländische Heimstätte and Wohnbauselbsthilfe also contribute to the costs. In 2013, these non-profit housing developers contributed 12,800 euros. However, the majority of the funding comes from the social fund - this year it amounts to 142,000 euros. "Having an apartment and therefore a home is a basic need. This makes it all the more important to be able to make use of competent support as early as possible if difficulties arise," explained the Provincial Councillor.

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