1st post after 6 years

Fans are ecstatic: Stefan Raab is back!

29.03.2024 14:36

A 90-second clip is making the hearts of Stefan Raab fans beat faster. Does this herald a comeback for the 57-year-old entertainer?

There are only two posts on Stefan Raab's official Instagram account. The first is from October 18, 2018, and the second is from this Friday!

Raab posts Insta video
Nine years after the "TV Total" host and entertainer withdrew from the public eye and six years after his last post, there is now a sign of life from Raab. And what a sign!

The clip shows Raab's "TV Total" buddy Elton setting off in search of his ex-boss. Elton rows a boat across a remote mountain lake, calling for Raab again and again until he finally finds him - while fishing.

Raab cannot be seen from the front, only from behind and cut off from the side. But the fans recognize the entertainer's voice immediately. A small sensation! Although Raab is still involved backstage, he hasn't appeared in front of the camera for a long time.

Raab wants nine million followers
Elton wants to know from Raab what has to happen for him to return to the big stages. What does he want to be? Raab's funny answer: "Influencer!" How many followers "this Pamela ... Reif" has, he asks Elton. "Nine million," explains his former show intern.

"Watch out, Elton, when I have nine million, I'll do something again," Raab then agrees to a deal. "I promise you that." But he had one condition, the presenter continued: the nine million followers had to be reached in three days. A tight schedule, because on Friday afternoon, a few hours after the clip went online, Raab's profile still had around 600,000 Instagram followers.

Comeback or April Fool's joke?
But can fans really look forward to a comeback from Stefan Raab? Or is the video just a cheeky April Fool's joke by the entertainer? If you do the math, April 1 is three days away ... So it will be interesting to see!

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