Instead of Ernst-Dziedzic

David Stögmüller is the new spokesperson for the Greens

15.03.2024 17:50

David Stögmüller has been appointed LGBTIQ spokesperson for the Green Party. He succeeds Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic, a member of the National Council, who announced on Thursday that she was retiring from party politics. In the coming months, we want to "see what we can bring together", said Stögmüller on Friday.

LGBTIQ is an abbreviation adopted from the English-speaking world and stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people. LGBTIQ people are still demanding protection against discrimination in the private sphere and a ban on conversion therapies. However, the Greens have not yet been able to reach an agreement on this with their coalition partner. In the case of therapies aimed at "repurposing" queer young people, "we will certainly not agree to a hypocritical solution that does not include intersex and trans people", said Stögmüller on Friday.

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Everything we have achieved is also reversible.

David Stögmüller (Grüne) warnt vor Rückschritten

Warn against regression
Until the National Council elections in the fall, it must be warned that a possible ÖVP-FPÖ government can be expected to take steps backwards in terms of the rights of queer people. "Everything we have achieved is also reversible. If the next health minister is Belakowitsch-Jenewein (FPÖ, note), the end of the blood donation ban for homosexual and bisexual men may be reversed."

Stögmüller is taking over the new role from Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic, who will no longer be a candidate in the upcoming National Council elections and is retiring from party politics. In the coming weeks, the politician will also take over the chairmanship of the "Grünen Andersrum", a sub-organization of the party. The handover has been "discussed for a long time". In the parliamentary club, the Green is responsible for the areas of national defense, the Court of Audit, voluntary work and disaster control.
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