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Toni Polster: Unicorn cake & baby bump for his 60th birthday

10.03.2024 14:32

On the 60th birthday of a local sports legend, there are of course congratulations and celebrations. The "Krone" has the best pictures of the party and even found out about a crazy hoppala ...

Toni Polster celebrated his milestone birthday today, March 10. The party party arrived at the Kaiserbahnhof Laxenburg yesterday. This will not officially open until next week after a new takeover - a location just for Polster's guests!

Heavenly offspring
Anyone who thinks they are experiencing déjà vu is mistaken. He already celebrated his fiftieth birthday in these premises. Back then with a slightly larger audience, but without a very special guest.

In addition to the invited celebrities, his family was of course also present. Including his son Anton-Jesus with his wife Jenny and ... We can't say for sure, but in any case with Polster's next grandchild! His son's girlfriend actually came with a cute baby bump.

A cake with Toni Polster's likeness for his tenth birthday
A party like this can't go off without a mishap: Instead of the ordered cake with a photo of the former footballer in action, cute little eyes adorned the unicorn pastry that was delivered at the beginning.

Always up for a joke, the 60-year-old took a funny snapshot: "Well, maybe it tastes quite good," he joked.

A special representative from the confectionery exchanged the delivery, which had actually been made for the baker's granddaughter's tenth birthday, in good time before the buffet opened.

The musical entertainment was provided by none other than Lizz Görgl, who, like the "birthday girl", would be an integral part of Austrian sporting history. There was dancing, singing and partying late into the night, with one small difference to the past: Polster has now given up smoking. A nice birthday present to himself!

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