Plans for the Fernpass

“The strategy is going in completely the wrong direction!”

11.03.2024 17:00

The Transit Forum around Fritz Gurgiser is massively critical of the state's approach to the Fernpass. They are calling for an environmental impact and expediency assessment.

"It is true that something is now happening on the Fernpass, as the state government is now suggesting at every opportunity. But unfortunately this is going in the completely wrong direction. It's not just me saying this, but our members along the route," says Fritz Gurgiser from Transitforum Austria-Tyrol and Xund's Life.

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This life cycle assessment study can in no way be seen as a substitute for an environmental impact assessment and a feasibility study.

Fritz Gurgiser vom Transitforum (Bild: Johanna Birbaumer)

Fritz Gurgiser

He also criticizes the Fernpass life cycle assessment study commissioned by the province in 2023: "This refers to global and regional environmental impacts, but does not address local environmental impacts such as noise and social impacts for local residents at all. This life cycle assessment study can therefore in no way be seen as a substitute for an environmental impact assessment and an assessment of appropriateness."

Incidentally, this can be read in the study, but is concealed.

Gurgiser calls for a rapid rethink
For Gurgiser and his fellow campaigners, one thing is very clear: the path that has now been chosen will bring even more traffic, even more stress due to block clearance, additional, massive obstructions for emergency services, commuters, local suppliers and local businesses in all sectors. "But also massive personal restrictions on more and more weekends with regard to visiting family, friends and acquaintances as well as massive restrictions on personal freedom," warns Gurgiser and calls for a quick rethink.

On Wednesday, March 13, an information event will be held at the Reutte Chamber of Commerce at 7.30 pm.

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