"Strange ..."

“Greens have a strange understanding of democracy”

06.03.2024 18:45

The match between the Greens and the federal states over soil protection is entering the next round. Now the governor of Upper Austria, Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP), is lashing out at the Greens. "We don't appreciate it very much when people just lecture and try to impose moralizing limits outside the legal system," he said in the "Krone" podcast for the super election year.

According to the constitution, the provincial councils are responsible for regional planning. When the Greens tell them "that doesn't fit and that is undemocratic, that shows a somewhat strange understanding of democracy", said Stelzer.

Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler and Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler from the Greens (Bild: APA/FLORIAN WIESER)
Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler and Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler from the Greens

The governor also reads the government the riot act on another matter: "We talk a lot about sustainability these days, just as the climate is about sustainability, the finances must also be about sustainability, because there is someone who should and must continue, who should not have to deal with mountains of debt." Stelzer, who governs his country with the FPÖ and has such an instrument, calls for a spending brake to be introduced.

The amounts and measures and levels can always be discussed in detail. "We have also created a kind of early warning system in Upper Austria, where the brakes are applied as soon as you get close to the debt ceiling. This is defined as 90 percent. Once this has been reached, the government is automatically obliged to take measures to reduce it in advance so that you don't find yourself in a situation where you no longer have the capacity to act."

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The aim must be to limit the debt and make do with the money that is available.

Thomas Stelzer

At the same time, however, Stelzer sees the need for measures to stimulate the economy and welcomes the federal government's construction program. "We have a challenging situation, economically speaking." He believes that the federal government's housing construction program is the right thing to do because it strengthens SMEs in the regions. "But I think it is just as right to say that the aim must also be to limit debt and, as soon as that is possible, to make do with the money that is available."

Stelzer warns against uncontrolled spending before the election. "All election sweeteners have turned out to be bitter pills in retrospect. I am against this and will also raise my voice against it here."

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