The topic of asylum policy

In case of refusal: “More effective sanctions”

03.03.2024 09:00

Tyrolean Security Minister Astrid Mair (VP) makes a clear statement on asylum policy: "Those who need protection will be helped. Anyone who exploits the system or doesn't follow the rules must leave."

The issue of foreigners has come to the fore again in recent days. On the one hand, because the Tyrolean SPÖ Chairman and Deputy Governor Georg Dornauer has spoken out in favor of an upper limit of zero for asylum seekers, and on the other, because crimes involving migrants are on the rise again. Most recently, the abuse of a 12-year-old girl in Vienna by young people with a migration background caused enormous horror.

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Regardless of whether we are talking about people seeking protection or people who are immigrating: Anyone who wants to live here and with us has to accept our rules.

(Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

LR Astrid Mair

In light of the current situation, the "Krone" asked the responsible Tyrolean regional governor, Astrid Mair (ÖVP). What do you think of Austria's immigration policy? "Unfortunately, a lot is going wrong! On the one hand, an actual separation between asylum and necessary immigration has failed time and time again. On the other hand, we as a society sometimes fail to represent our value system with a clear edge," says Mair in the "Krone" interview.

For her, one thing is clear: "Regardless of whether we are talking about people seeking protection or people immigrating: Anyone who wants to live with us and with us has to accept our rules. I can understand and support it when we take care of traumatized people and alleviate pain, whether physical or mental. What is not acceptable, however, is to trample on our values and at the same time mercilessly exploit the benefits of the welfare state."

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The approach according to which all asylum seekers are obliged to do community work is therefore important and correct. In return, however, it is also essential that we create effective sanction instruments if someone refuses to integrate and participate.

(Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

LR Astrid Mair

She recalls the above-mentioned rape of the 12-year-old, but also the terrible incident in a Viennese retirement home where a young Algerian robbed and sexually abused an elderly resident shortly after applying for asylum last November. "This makes it clear that there is a need for action in Austrian immigration policy. In this respect, I expect the necessary cooperation from the Green coalition partner at federal level."

Sanctions for refusal
However, Mair also clearly emphasizes that the people who come and receive a right to stay must be offered prospects. Young people in particular must be given a structure and a task. "The approach whereby all asylum seekers are obliged to do community work is therefore important and right. In return, however, it is also essential that we create effective sanctions if someone refuses to integrate and participate."

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It is clear that we must not become a bank machine for 'migration sleepers'!

(Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

LR Astrid Mair

What does Mair have in mind? "Anyone who doesn't accept our rules must feel the consequences. This could mean that we cut benefits and I could also imagine that the outcome of an asylum procedure could be made dependent on this. Why would someone want to stay in Austria if they are not prepared to accept our values and do not abide by our rules?" However, anyone who does not have the right to stay must be consistently deported. "Unfortunately, we are often too lazy here and are abused as a state!"

She also has suggestions for the EU: "As part of the EU asylum reform, the criteria for so-called safe third countries must be changed and significantly expanded. This means that there will be significantly more countries classified as safe in future. This will make it easier and quicker to deport rejected asylum seekers to safe third countries. I assume that Austria will make use of this."

Germany as a role model
Mair cites Germany's migration policy, which is to be significantly tightened, as a role model. "It is clear that we must not become a bank machine for 'migration sleepers'! In view of the agreement in Germany, which also includes new regulations and stricter rules for the payment of support benefits for asylum seekers, it is important that Austria follows suit immediately - i.e. payment cards instead of cash. This would limit the possibility of transferring money back to the countries of origin, which is sometimes seen as an incentive to flee to Austria!"

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