Blow to the head

Hiding from police after attack on sister

29.02.2024 06:36

Another woman was violently attacked: This time a Slovenian man raised his hand against his sister. An acquaintance was able to pull the raving man away from the young woman. The Slovenian man (22) tried to hide from the police.

The Slovenian had hit his sister (18) on the head with his fist in her apartment in Klagenfurt on Wednesday afternoon. The young woman was injured behind the ear. After the attack, the 22-year-old left the apartment, but returned in the early evening and immediately attacked his sister again.

Acquaintance stopped the attack
In the meantime, however, a friend of the family (19) was visiting and noticed the new attack. He immediately intervened and pulled the 22-year-old away from the woman. Meanwhile, the Slovenian woman managed to escape to her room, lock it and alert the police.

Hiding from the police
When the police arrived at the apartment complex, they encountered the acquaintance, who told them that the Slovenian was hiding in the basement. The officers were able to locate him in the stairwell to the cellar and immediately issued an entry and approach ban as well as a temporary weapons ban against the man.

Slovenian was in Austria illegally
During questioning at the police station in St. Ruprecht, it was established that the Slovenian was banned from Austria. The Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum therefore issued an arrest order and the 22-year-old was transferred to the police detention center in Klagenfurt.

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