Poland also in default

Climate plan: EU calls on Austria to submit plan

23.02.2024 15:00

On Friday in Brussels, the European Commission once again called on Austria to submit its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). The Brussels authority opened infringement proceedings in December 2023. Austria had not sent its draft NECP to Brussels by the deadline, making it one of the only defaulters along with Poland: All 25 other EU countries have already sent their drafts to Brussels.

The reason for the domestic delay is that the draft submitted by Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) in October was withdrawn by European Affairs Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP). Edtstadler justified her action by stating that the NECP was not in line with the Austrian government's position. The Climate Ministry contradicted this statement and emphasized that the draft had been "drawn up with the involvement of the ministries concerned".

Last resort: European Court of Justice
Austria must now respond to the Commission's accusations and submit a draft quickly. Once the deadline has expired, the Commission will issue a reasoned opinion in which a second deadline will be set. Infringement proceedings are opened if a Member State does not comply with EU legislation. In the last instance, the Commission can refer the case to the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

All Member States must submit their final, updated plans by June 30, 2024, taking into account the Commission's recommendations and individual assessments. The NECPs outline how the Member States intend to achieve their energy and climate targets for 2030. On Friday, the Commission published its assessment of the draft updated plans of Belgium, Ireland and Latvia. Bulgaria is to follow. 21 evaluations had already been submitted in 2023.

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