Trial in Graz:

31-year-old wanted to strangle the “new guy” with a belt

15.02.2024 20:00

During the apple harvest last fall, a Romanian man was almost murdered by a jealous compatriot in eastern Styria. The furious man wrapped a belt around his opponent's neck and pulled the trigger. The shocked ex-girlfriend had to watch the whole thing. The trial for attempted murder is due to start soon.

In October, the 31-year-old drove seven hours in a cab from Romania to the apple village in Styria just to get his ex-girlfriend back. He hadn't been able to cope with the fact that the 27-year-old had chosen someone else.

It was clear what he had in mind, as he took a 30-centimetre-long knife from the cab driver on arrival, slashed it against the door of the harvest workers' accommodation and gained entry. "If you don't come home with me, I'll kill you!" he is said to have shouted at his 27-year-old "ex". The Romanian woman fainted from fright.

Witnesses saved the victim
The man, blinded by jealousy, also shouted death threats at his new partner and beat him with his fists. He then wrapped a belt around his neck and pulled it tight. The fact that the Romanian is still alive is only due to the fact that other harvest workers intervened.

Police dog found the murder weapon
The raging 31-year-old finally ran off, smashing the windows of a VW bus parked in front of the house with his knife as he fled. He threw the knife into a bush. He was arrested and the knife was found hours later by police dog "Tell".

At the end of March, the Romanian is now on trial for attempted murder, attempted trespassing, dangerous threats, attempted coercion and damage to property. He sees himself as a victim.

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