Encounter in Thailand

Forger king makes a life confession

27.05.2024 06:00

A chance encounter on vacation between an ex-policeman from Burgenland and the once most wanted "king of art forgers" turns into a humorous life confession ...

Coincidences do happen! The Dutch art forger and a courageous policeman from Austria crossed paths in Thailand - an encounter of the most unusual kind, if it were not for the investigation of criminal offenses. Both are no longer actively pursuing their "jobs", so it's easy to have a relaxed chat.

Art forger meets ex-policeman: Driessen (left) and Koller (Bild: zVg)
Art forger meets ex-policeman: Driessen (left) and Koller

Robert Driessen has long since served his sentence and is now honestly indulging in his life as a legend of criminal history. He has lived on Ko Samui since 1979 and runs a small café in the island kingdom. While on vacation, he met former law enforcement officer Gerald Koller from Rust, who has made a name for himself as the cartoonist "Geronimo".

Assembly line work in a counterfeiting workshop
Without further ado, Driessen told him how he and a team of one hundred accomplices made large-scale copies of sculptures by the Swiss sculptor and painter Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) look like the precious originals. The counterfeiters' workshop was like a factory assembly line.

The Swiss Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) was one of the most important sculptors of his time. (Bild: bpk / RMN / Michèle Bellot)
The Swiss Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) was one of the most important sculptors of his time.
His artworks sold for millions - and so did the forgeries. (Bild: bpk / RMN / Michèle Bellot)
His artworks sold for millions - and so did the forgeries.

"Everything was planned down to the last detail," says Dr. Driessen. He is not actually a doctor, but the title was awarded to him with great respect in the forbidden art scene. "Although the frowned upon activity of a forger is not permitted, it requires sophisticated artistry and top-class craftsmanship," experts point out.

In his work coat, the master of his (criminal) trade often stood day and night at the workbench with hammer and chisel to create stone exhibits that look like unique pieces worth millions. Giacometti was his favorite idol.

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Forgeries in the museum make me grin.

Robert Driessen

The Dutchman made everything to order with perfection. The "king of imitations" even outdid the great master. Driessen skilfully created 1,300 Giacometti sculptures, while the real artist "only" managed 650.

52 million dollars for a fake
In a personal conversation, Driessen likes to talk about the art forger's sewing box - or rather paint box. It makes him smile when he visits museums in Europe and his own forgeries are on display. "It also makes me a little proud when the forgeries remain undiscovered," says Driessen.

Facts & figures

In summer 2015, Robert Driessen was sentenced to five years and three months in prison for serious fraud. The counterfeiter spent most of his time in prison in Stuttgart, Germany - the last eight months in his home country of the Netherlands. After two years and eight months, he was released for good behavior.

When asked why he recognizes his works immediately, he answers with a grin: "Even counterfeiters have their own style." While still in prison, Driessen had heard that the world-famous photographer Robert Mapplethorpe had bought a forgery of his for a whopping 52 million US dollars. "I immediately identified the alleged original as my copy because I was the only one who had patinated the sculpture with red paint. Giacometti, on the other hand, never used the color red," reveals Driessen.

He will be back in Germany at the end of May to finish filming the Netflix production "The Counterfeiters". The four-part series is about the best of his illegal "guild".

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read the original article here.

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