Tear trailer

Crying Céline Dion: That’s how much she misses her fans

24.05.2024 08:52

A new documentary about Céline Dion (56), who suffers from stiff person syndrome, is due to be released at the end of June. An emotional new trailer shows moving images and heartbreaking words from the musician.

Singer Céline Dion wants to give an insight into her life with the rare disease stiff person syndrome in a new documentary. A new trailer for the documentary "I Am: Celine Dion", which will be released on Amazon's Prime Video streaming service at the end of June, shows moving moments and private insights into the life of the Canadian singer.

Tearful confession in documentary trailer
"I need my instrument," says Dion at the beginning of the two-minute clip - her voice, which has guided her through her life like a conductor. "I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological condition. And I wasn't ready to talk about it until now."

"But now I'm ready," explained the singer. The disease, which she made public in 2022, causes muscle stiffness and often cramps. The singer had largely withdrawn from the public eye and also had to cancel a tour. Céline Dion also had to fight back tears during the emotional trailer.

Since she made her diagnosis public, public appearances by the singer have become a rarity. In February, however, Dion caused a surprise with her presence at the Grammy Awards. (Bild: APA/Getty Images via AFP/GETTY IMAGES/KEVIN WINTER)
Since she made her diagnosis public, public appearances by the singer have become a rarity. In February, however, Dion caused a surprise with her presence at the Grammy Awards.

She loves every part of her life. However, the 56-year-old also tearfully explained how much she missed her fans: "You know, it's not difficult to do a show. It's difficult to cancel a show." The documentary is also a "love letter to her fans".

"If I can't walk, I crawl"
The singer works hard on herself every day. It's a struggle, but she doesn't want to give up. If she can't run, then she walks. And if she can't walk, the singer crawls.

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