Before the law is changed

Alpine Association says no to the use of wind power

23.05.2024 18:40

The Alpine Association describes the new draft law as unconstitutional and dangerous for the state of Carinthia.

The Carinthian Alpine Association is strictly opposed to the introduction of Carinthia's first energy transition law. "If this law comes into force, it could have a massive impact on the landscape, the environment and nature," warns Arnold Riebenbauer from the Alpine Association. "The law disregards provisions of the Carinthian provincial constitution - such as the preservation of the uniqueness and beauty of our landscape."

Carinthia could lean back
It is feared that the construction of wind turbines in the Alps or photovoltaic systems on arable land could no longer be stopped. According to the Alpine Association, Carinthia could already "sit back and relax" as far as the use of renewable energies and EU targets are concerned.

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Once this amendment comes into force, the construction of wind turbines can be approved more easily than ever before.

Arnold Riebenbauer, Jurist, Alpenverein

"The draft law does not take into account the realities. 100 percent of electricity generation and 60 percent of total energy already comes from renewable sources. Streams are being diverted, further hydropower plants - such as on the Möll - are being built!"

Attractive offers for farmers
The members are calling for the expansion of renewable energy in a different form: "Farmers are being offered a lot of money to make their grassland available. The landowner must also think about the future. There is enough public open space on roofs!", the lawyer points out: "This draft law is partly unconstitutional - in the area of civil law - and has some dangerous loopholes!"

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