Bomb threat again

City police command was evacuated in Linz

22.05.2024 12:48

"A bomb will go off in five minutes" - for the second time in just a few days, a bomb threat has kept the police in Linz on tenterhooks. This time the police are doubly affected. Because the threat was directed at the Linz City Police Command of all places. The high-rise building was evacuated.

The call was received by the Linz police switchboard at 11.20 am. The caller spoke with a Dutch accent and threatened that the bomb in the tower block on Nitzschestraße would go off in five minutes.

"Evacuation went smoothly"
The twelve-storey building, which houses the municipal police command, Cobra, several departments of the State Office of Criminal Investigation and the Counter-Terrorism Office, was evacuated immediately. "It can't be done in five minutes, but everyone was taken out of the building. The evacuation went smoothly," said the executive.

The police in Linz had to secure their own building and the bomb scare has now ended. (Bild: Philipp Stadler)
The police in Linz had to secure their own building and the bomb scare has now ended.

Threat exactly one week ago
After a search of the building, the all-clear was given and the up to 200 employees returned to their offices. The investigation has been taken over by the State Office of Criminal Investigation. "If the threat perpetrator is found, he will have to pay the costs of the operation, which amount to several tens of thousands of euros," explained a police spokesperson.

Just like a week ago, when a caller threatened to detonate a bomb at the Akademisches Gymnasium in the center of Linz. At that time, the all-clear was given and the caller has not yet been traced.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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