Failure against Virtanen

Dominic Thiem against Virtanen from 11.30 a.m. LIVE

22.05.2024 10:00

The last French Open of his career is already over for Dominic Thiem after the second qualifying round: The Lower Austrian lost 2:6, 5:7 to Finland's Otto Virtanen in Paris on Wednesday.

Thiem had narrowly missed out on a direct ticket to the main draw and did not receive a wild card, which meant he had to enter the elimination round as the eleventh seed. The 30-year-old announced the end of his career around two weeks ago in the fall.

(Bild: GEPA pictures)

Fans celebrate Thiem
Thiem was celebrated during and after his 3:6-6:3-6:2 first-round victory over Italian-Argentinian Franco Agamenone in front of a packed grandstand on Monday, and his fans would have liked to see him continue in the tournament. Virtanen was motivated by the chance to win the prestigious match right from the start and also benefited from two double faults by Thiem on his way to 2-0 in a nine-minute game. He managed to break back immediately, Virtanen replied with a break to nil and then 4:1 and 5:2 before breaking Thiem again.

Dominic Thiem (Bild: APA/dpa/Lukas Barth)
Dominic Thiem

The 22-year-old Scandinavian had taken more risks in the first set and carried the momentum from that success into the second round. He didn't concede a point in his first two service games and only allowed Thiem one point at the break at 3:1. Thiem rebelled, managed another immediate break against the world no. 156, leveled the score at 3:3 and fended off another break point from Virtanen to make it 4:4.

Virtanen holds his third match point
When the match was interrupted for half an hour at 5:5 due to rain, Thiem was 30:0 ahead on the return, but his opponent finally managed to get his service game through. What followed was the last game Thiem played at the French Open, lasting 8:38 minutes. After leading 40:15, Thiem managed to fend off two match points, but an unforced error with his forehand decided the match after 1:43 hours of play.

Readthe match statistics here:

Thiem only lost to Spain's Rafael Nadal in the final at the French Open in 2018 and 2019, while the former world number three had advanced to the semi-finals in each of the two previous years. Thiem is currently ranked 131st in the world.

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read the original article here.

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