Conference in Carinthia

Mario Gerber: “We must allow business again!”

18.05.2024 10:00

The economic councillors of all nine federal states met for a conference. In an interview with the "Krone" newspaper, Tyrolean State Councillor Mario Gerber emphasized three important points. At the top of the list is a declaration that was signed unanimously.

A meeting of the economic advisors of all nine federal states took place in Carinthia on Friday. The Tyrolean Minister of Economic Affairs is particularly pleased that "we have unanimously signed a declaration for Austria as a business location, in which we speak out against excessive guidelines and over-regulation". Specifically, it is about reducing bureaucracy and eliminating virtually pointless laws that make it difficult for entrepreneurs to do business.

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We have to allow business again, it secures prosperity in our country.

Wirtschaftslandesrat Mario Gerber (Bild: Christof Birbaumer )

Mario Gerber

In favor of standard working hours
"We have to allow business again, it secures prosperity in our country," says Gerber. In the declaration, the speakers also advocate standard working hours (except for people with care responsibilities) as well as easing the Red-White-Red Card in order to combat the labor shortage. "This is the only way Tyrol can remain competitive," Gerber is convinced.

More speed demanded for Cofag payments
The second important issue according to the provincial councillor: "We have been campaigning for the outstanding payments from Cofag to finally be paid out. The coalition partner at federal level has blocked this."

Thirdly, Gerber, who is also a state councillor for tourism, emphasizes that "we have called on Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Kocher to ensure that employee apartments in tourism businesses are no longer only exempt from property tax up to a size of 30 square meters". In order to attract employees to tourism, high-quality accommodation is needed.

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