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ESC of shame: boos, pepper spray, exclusion

12.05.2024 18:14

No Eurovision final has ever been so charged! A lot of criticism of Israel overshadowed this year's Song Contest in Sweden: whether on stage or on the street at a tense anti-Israel demonstration. Annie Müller Martínez and Sebastian Schmiedhofer from report from Malmö.

It was already clear at the "flag scandal" press conference with Dutch candidate Joost Klein: This will not be a Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) as we were used to until now.

Video: Anti-Israel sentiment in Malmö

After his disqualification, headline after headline followed, always against the same background: criticism of Israel's participation in the contest.

Joost Klein with a flag over his head while Israeli Song Contest participant Eden Golan answers questions from the press (Bild: Krone KREATIV, Jessica Gow / TT News Agency /
Joost Klein with a flag over his head while Israeli Song Contest participant Eden Golan answers questions from the press

In the press area of the arena, where the internet is sometimes down, journalists from all over the world exchange information. Very early on, information about a possible cancellation of the entire spectacle makes the rounds. There would have been enough controversy.

Annie Müller Martínez and Sebastian Schmiedhofer with colleagues from Switzerland (Michel and Severin from "Blick") (Bild:
Annie Müller Martínez and Sebastian Schmiedhofer with colleagues from Switzerland (Michel and Severin from "Blick")

Demo forms in front of the arena
As if that wasn't enough, more and more people gather in front of the indoor arena before the final and approach the entrance area. The group of participants in the anti-Israel demonstration reaches right up to the arriving fans. The police begin to cordon off areas, encircle demonstrators and repeatedly push them away - around the corner of the arena.

In the middle of it all, press accreditation is the only way to get out of the riots and the cordoned-off areas safely. The police's top priority: keep the entrance clear and the tense demo away.

A climate activist was also taken away by the police. (Bild: APA Pool/APA/AFP/TT NEWS AGENCY/Johan NILSSON)
A climate activist was also taken away by the police.
(Bild: AP)
Heated atmosphere in front of the ESC hall in Malmö (Bild: APA/AFP/TT NEWS AGENCY/Andreas HILLERGREN)
Heated atmosphere in front of the ESC hall in Malmö
(Bild: AP)

Palestine flags and pepper spray
But the atmosphere is charged. Loudly chanted slogans, Palestine flags included. It's clear to us that people are angry. Two groups briefly manage to push forward, fortunately only plastic bottles are thrown. All of a sudden, the police forces present use pepper spray and two people are temporarily arrested. Demonstrators react by shouting "Shame on you" in the direction of the officers. Then the situation finally seems to calm down.

Concern about Israel's victory
We go back to the press center and prepare for our last assignment. Then the tension rises once again as the points are awarded. Who will win this extraordinary song contest?

Fifth place went to Israel. (Bild: APA/AFP/Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard)
Fifth place went to Israel.

Israel is briefly in first place in terms of points - we overhear murmurs, worries about the reaction of the angry people outside the arena if Israel wins.

In the end, things turned out differently.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.
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