Wind farm rejected

Citizens in the Weinviertel region say no to cheap electricity

08.05.2024 05:45

Eight large wind turbines would have towered over the region's landmark, the Staatzer Kalkklippe - but the local population clearly said "no". And that despite tempting promises . . .

Only 10 cents per kilowatt hour and guaranteed for 20 years - with this offer, the operators of the wind farm planned in Staatz in the district of Mistelbach wanted to win the residents over to their side. Last Sunday and Monday, almost 1700 local residents were able to vote on the project.

The result is binding
They cast a clear vote. And it was against the erection of large wind turbines in the municipal area. 41.26 percent were in favor of the construction of the wind turbines, while 58.74 percent rejected the project. The planned wind farm has therefore been shelved. Mayor Daniel Fröschl (ÖVP) had already announced in advance that the result of the survey would be binding as soon as more than half of the population took part - and in the end, 71.25 percent of those eligible to vote put their cross on the ballot paper.

One village dances out of line
Strikingly, only in Ernsdorf, the mayor's home village in a valley basin, where people would not have been so visually affected, was there a majority of just under 60 percent in favor of its construction. In Ameis, Enzersdorf, Staatz-Kautendorf, Waltersdorf and Wultendorf, the project met with rejection. The wind power companies were disappointed.

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