Chamber of Labor election

Chamber of Labor election: Loss despite win for FSG

24.04.2024 17:47

The Burgenland Chamber of Labor election is over. The Social Democratic Trade Unionist Group (FSG) can defend first place, but has to accept losses.

The Social Democratic Trade Unionist Group (FSG) and its lead candidate Gerhard Michalitsch (2nd from right) have clearly won the election with 68.8 percent of the vote. Nevertheless, the FSG lost one mandate to the Freiheitliche Arbeitnehmer (four mandates) and now has 36 mandates.

Nevertheless, Burgenland's Governor Hans Peter Doskozil speaks of a "great success". The FSG is a strong partner in the fight against inflation and for fair and higher wages and salaries: "The election result shows that working people value the FSG as a strong representative body."

Turks see a change of direction
The ÖVP, which holds nine seats, naturally sees things differently. "The significant losses for the SPÖ show that the political mood in Burgenland is changing. More and more Burgenlanders do not agree with the current course of the SPÖ and Governor Doskozil," explains ÖVP provincial party chairman Christian Sagartz.

ÖVP provincial party chairman Christian Sagratz with top candidate Johannes Meszgolits (Bild: ÖVP Bgld)
ÖVP provincial party chairman Christian Sagratz with top candidate Johannes Meszgolits

Together AUGE/UG is also pleased to have won a mandate. Anja Haider-Wallner, state spokesperson for the Greens, congratulates the team, especially top candidate Maria Mauk, and explains: "The increase in votes shows that employees want a green and independent alternative in the Chamber of Labor, especially in times like these."

On the downside
A total of around 81,000 employees were eligible to vote. However, only 27,083 of them used their vote - i.e. a third. The ballot cards are still being counted. The final result of the election should be known on Saturday.

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