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Win 1 of 5 iSi Creative Whips now!

25.04.2024 10:10

The iSi Creative Whip opens up a whole new world of enjoyment for gourmets with its wide range of applications. With the "Krone kocht" newsletter you now have the chance to win the new iSi Creative Whip.

Anyone who likes the extraordinary will love the Creatve Whip, because with the perfect mix of modern technology and trendy lifestyle, haute cuisine is making its way into the home kitchen.

The iSi Creatve Whip can do much more than just whip cream. With just the push of a lever, it conjures up light and airy taste sensations: From creamy mousses and toppings to fluffy batters for pancakes, waffles & co. to savory sauces and dips - and even vegan delicacies can be created in no time at all.

iSi - the original since 1964

The iSi Creative Whip is made of high-quality stainless steel and deliberately does not use aluminum. This makes the appliance durable and dishwasher-safe - ideal for everyday use. With its colorful, trendy design, it is a real highlight in any kitchen - plus it is mobile, flexible and can be used independently of electricity.

Thanks to the iSi Professional Chargers, the cold preparations in the stainless steel bottles are under pressure. The contents are therefore sealed airtight and the preparations can be kept in the fridge for several days, which reduces food waste, as the food is stored in the same quality without the addition of preservatives and can be portioned. iSicapsules are made in Austria and have been produced exclusively with green electricity since 2012 and have been climate-neutral since 2022 - the capsules are also 100% recyclable.

Smokey dipping sauce (Bild: iSi Culinary)
Smokey dipping sauce

The iSi recipe portal offers more than 300 recipes for every taste and occasion. The recipes developed by iSi professional chefs provide new cooking inspiration every day and bring fun and enjoyment to your plate, bowl or glass. Basics and individual work steps are also clearly explained in numerous video contributions.

Highest quality, cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art design in perfection are the criteria that made the Creative Whip the winner of the internationally coveted Red Dot Award 2023 in the product design category.

The iSi Creative Whip is available from the official iSi online store and from specialist and furniture retailers.

You can find everything you need to know about iSi Creative Whip online at

(Bild: iSi Culinary, Krone KREATIV)

Subscribe to the newsletter now and win
Now you have the chance to see the creative possibilities of the iSi Creative Whip for yourself. We are giving away 5x1 copies of the award-winning kitchen appliance!

Don't want to miss out on this opportunity?Simply sign up for our "Krone kocht" newsletter and, with a bit of luck, this great prize will soon be waiting for you! The closing date for entries is May 9, 2024, 09:00, you can find the terms and conditions here.
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