Seriously injured

French pop singer Kendji Girac shot

22.04.2024 11:45

French pop singer Kendji Girac was shot early Monday morning. According to French media, he was shot in the chest and was admitted to hospital in a critical condition.

According to "Paris Match", the winner of the third season of the French version of "The Voice" was at a traveler's camp in Biscarosse in the early hours of the morning when he was shot. The police received an emergency call at 5:20 am. At the scene, around twenty people initially claimed that nothing had happened.

On admission to a hospital in Bordeaux, Girac was in a critical condition, but his life was no longer in danger.

Kendji Girac (Bild: APA/AFP/JOEL SAGET)
Kendji Girac

Shot himself?
How the singer was injured still needs to be clarified, according to reports.

After regaining consciousness, Girac told the police that he had bought a gun at a flea market the day before. When he wanted to try it out, he said he shot himself in the chest. The bullet exited through his back.

French TV presenter Cyril Hanouna reacted to the news with the words: "We are all shocked. We love him, he's a great guy, incredibly friendly, always smiling, always ready to help.

The 27-year-old rose to fame in 2013 when he covered a song by Congolese-French rapper Gims. The following year, he won "The Voice France". Since then, he has released five studio albums, most recently "L'École de la Vie" ("The School of Life").

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