Police protection lawsuit

Prince Harry’s appeal in court is rejected

16.04.2024 07:51

Prince Harry has failed in his appeal against the reduction of his police protection during visits to the UK. The youngest son of the British King Charles III lost his attempt to appeal against the court decision, a court spokesman said on Monday.

Harry had filed a lawsuit after the British government told him in 2020 that he would no longer receive the "same level" of publicly funded police protection when in the UK after stepping down from his royal duties.

Harry wanted "justice"
The London High Court ruled in February that the British government had acted lawfully. A spokesperson for Harry explained at the time that the prince, who lives in the USA, would turn to the Court of Appeal "to obtain justice". Ultimately, the Duke of Sussex is "not asking for preferential treatment", but only a "fair and lawful" application of the personal protection rules, his spokesperson explained.

Harry and his wife, former US actress Meghan Markle, retired from their royal duties in 2020. They now live with their children Archie and Lilibet in Meghan's native California. The British authorities had subsequently decided to only decide on police protection for Prince Harry and his family on a case-by-case basis and no longer to grant it in principle.

Protection for the family
Harry said at a court hearing in December that security concerns prevented him from traveling to the UK. "The United Kingdom is my home. The United Kingdom is central to my children's heritage," Prince Harry said in a written statement read out in court. However, he could not visit the UK with his family "if it is not possible to protect them".

"I cannot put my wife's life at such risk and, given my life experience, I am also reluctant to put myself at unnecessary risk," Harry emphasized. His lawyers also argued that Prince Harry's bodyguards did not have sufficient powers to adequately protect him in the UK. Furthermore, they would not have access to information from the British secret service.

Broken relationship with the Royal Family
Prince Harry rarely visits his home country. His relationship with the royal family, especially with his older brother Crown Prince William, has broken down. However, after his father Charles III was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of February, Prince Harry immediately visited the King in London.

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