Art excursions

Art in public space in the footsteps of time

16.04.2024 08:30

With its art excursions in all directions, the Institute for Art in Public Space provides access to sometimes cryptic works. Alexandra Riewe has been touring the Styrian art landscape with "NOSW - Nie Ohne Seife Waschen" since 2006.

Four excursions to the north, east, south and west of Styria are on the program each year, and they involve far more than just checking out objects in public spaces. With a great deal of background knowledge, Alexandra Riewe selects works that can also be placed in context. This time, everything revolves around the concept of "time".

In the north, the art historian devotes herself to the "newspaper", which is explored using artworks by Edda Strobl, Esther Stocker, this year's Biennale artist Anna Jermolaewa, Franz Krammer and others. It is about truth in times of alternative truths, about orientation in a time of rampant disorientation. The starting point of this excursion on May 5 is the wall newspaper "Ausreißer" at the Grazer Kunsthaus, then it goes via Passail and Kindberg to Kapfenberg.

The East plays with physics: time equals distance through speed, the works of Günther Pedrotti, Josef Schützenhöfer and Anna Artaker, for example, deal with time and space. On June 16, the route therefore leads from the Graz University Library via Gleisdorf to Fürstenfeld.

"Fireman" by Peter Roskaric in front of the Graz Synagogue (Bild: UMJ/J. J. Kucek)
"Fireman" by Peter Roskaric in front of the Graz Synagogue

On August 11, the excursion will head south in search of lost time. Follow in the footsteps of Peter Roskaric and his "Fireman" in front of the Graz Synagogue, Bernhard Wolf, Catrin Bolt, Fedo Ertl, Alfred Lenz and others in the direction of Studenzen, Gnas, Zelting and St. Nikolai.

Finally, in the west, a confrontation with "frozen time" awaits on September 15. Manfred Erjautz's snowman in the courtyard of the Graz seminary has something to tell, as do the works of art by Michael Schuster, Andreas Staudinger, Aramis, Wolfgang Temmel and zweintopf. The route leads via Mautern to St. Marein bei Neumarkt.

The excursions start at 10 a.m. and a contribution towards expenses of 15 euros is required. You can register at 0699/1855-1000 or

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