The "Krone" Lower Austria column

The little bot celebrates Plant Day

13.04.2024 05:45

How we watch nature grow very closely. As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" aka Daniela Gaigg writes about topics relating to life with the family. These include sustainability in everyday life, self-care and food for thought for parents.

Saturday is the International Plant Day of Honor. And especially now in April, when you can literally watch nature grow, it is extremely valuable to pay close attention to these marvels. I think it's particularly important to pass this on to children who are growing up in the city or who don't have time to go for walks in the fields because of their stressful and busy everyday lives. A small snack garden, as shown in the last column, is great because they can harvest something themselves. But before that happens, we have to wait and see.

And I use this time to show and observe! It's very easy to do this in a jar with peas or beans. Within a few days, the children can see how the seedling grows from the seed, first the root and then the cotyledon form and after a few days the new plant grows impressively out of the jar and quickly becomes very large.


  • 1 small canning jar
  • 1 piece of kitchen roll
  • 2-3 peas (seeds)

This is how it works!
Fold the piece of kitchen roll so that it fits snugly into the jar. Then carefully place the peas in the middle between the jar and the kitchen roll. Use a spray bottle or a spoon to moisten the paper well and keep it moist.

The peas will develop in different ways, so there is plenty to marvel at. The plant can be repotted later.

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