Litter in meadow

Litterers cause trouble for residents

09.04.2024 08:58

The relocation of waste disposal containers has resulted in littering at the new location. The municipality now feels compelled to take action

The relocation of the disposal containers for glass and metal in Großhöflein is causing a lot of annoyance. The containers were originally located at the cemetery - which was "anything but nice" during funerals, as Mayor Maria Zoffmann (ÖVP) explains. She therefore decided to place the containers by the thoroughfare, also to ensure good accessibility for as many local residents as possible.

Some of the waste ends up in the meadows. (Bild: zVg)
Some of the waste ends up in the meadows.
Trouble over the relocation of the waste containers (Bild: zVg)
Trouble over the relocation of the waste containers

Litter on the ground and meadow
However, it didn't stay clean for long. As FLG local councillor Werner Huf reports, there are now shards of glass and metal objects lying around on the ground. Many out-of-towners, some of them from Vienna and Lower Austria, would stop when driving through and dispose of their garbage. Local residents are annoyed. Huf therefore demands that the containers be returned to their old location.

Containers are moved again
She herself was appalled at how quickly everything got dirty at the new location, says the mayor. Ultimately, people from out of town are just as allowed to dispose of their garbage there. At first, she had considered making a privacy screen. However, as this would only cost money again, the bins will soon be moved to the building yard - even if this means a longer journey for many residents. Before this can happen, the UDB still needs to be consulted.

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