Party in Salzburg

How the new SPÖ city leader celebrated his election victory

24.03.2024 21:15

The SPÖ rejoiced, but so did the KPÖ Plus! Because there was no classic election loser in Salzburg on Sunday evening. Both the new city leader Bernhard Auinger and Kay-Michael Dankl celebrated in high spirits. This was probably also due to the one or other extremely warm hug.

It was not enough for Dankl to win the run-off. But that didn't dampen the mood at the election party at Jazzit in the immediate vicinity of Salzburg's main train station. "Kay will fight on", most of the people in the room are certain. Including the mayor of Graz, Elke Kahr. She herself came second twice in the Graz election before winning.

Kay-Michael Dankl with Elke Kahr (Bild: ANDREAS TROESTER)
Kay-Michael Dankl with Elke Kahr

All good things really do seem to come in threes. Even if neo-mayor Bernhard Auinger has his way. He, too, has been gunning for the office of city chief for seven years. However, he has never been able to win the race for the position of city manager. Until now. Because the 50-year-old won the run-off election on Sunday.

Kay-Michael Dankl in the Jazzit (Bild: ANDREAS TROESTER)
Kay-Michael Dankl in the Jazzit

Many people came to the Trumerei to congratulate him. Including Bernhard Auinger's parents. They are visibly proud of their son, hugging him before he is asked to continue on to photo opportunities. Meanwhile, SPÖ leader Andreas Babler fills the gap for the photographers: "One photo more or less is no longer important today," says Babler, taking the hype in his stride. It will continue for a while anyway. The Trumerei is full to bursting, dozens of people want to celebrate this day.

Bernhard Auinger with his parents (Bild: ANDREAS TROESTER)
Bernhard Auinger with his parents

Kay is coming! It echoes through the Jazzit. The crowd, sitting comfortably together with beer and stew, doesn't need to be told twice. Jackets and hoods are quickly donned.

They head outside, where they cheerfully welcome "their" winner Kay-Michael Dankl. There are hugs from the mayor of Graz, Elke Kahr.

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