Despite criticism

FPÖ-Tschürtz remains committed to police horses

23.03.2024 21:37

After the criticism in the U-Committee, the head of the Burgenland Freedom Party, Johann Tschürtz, emphasizes the advantages of the idea.

The police horse idea of former Interior Minister and FPÖ federal leader Herbert Kickl had not been seen in a good light in the recent ÖVP-initiated U-committee. It was said that the horses were too big and the riders too small. The question of how to deal with the excrement was also a problem. As is well known, the police horses had been turned away by order of Wolfgang Peschorn, head of the Procurator Fiscal's Office.

"Recognized in other countries"
Burgenland's FPÖ party leader Johann Tschürtz - who has always been an advocate of police horses - is now outraged by the criticism of the idea and is once again taking up the cudgels for the project. Mounted units have many advantages and can also be used flexibly in the field: "The mounted police are impressively recognized by the population in all countries."

Bavaria as a role model
During his time as State Security Councillor, Tschürtz visited a mounted unit in Bavaria. "I find it very strange that our police officers are too small, the horses too big and the horse dumplings too heavy. After all, the Bavarian police officers are not on average a head taller and the horse dumplings heavier," says the Freedom Party member in amazement.

Tschürtz remains a supporter
He continues to support the use of the four-legged friends and praises the advantages: "The off-road capability and the higher position of the riders make it easier to observe the surroundings. There is also the calming factor during deployment." The horses are used very successfully by the police in Bavaria, emphasizes the Freedom Party leader: "So why not in Austria?"

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