Take-off in Saalbach

Ski lady seriously injured in last race

20.03.2024 11:48

Bad news for Leona Popovic: the Croatian technical specialist suffered a serious injury on Saturday in the last slalom of the season in Saalbach.

Leona Popovic crashed in the slalom final in Saalbach on Saturday. She landed awkwardly in the snow and was left lying there in pain. The Croatian immediately held her knee. Now the bitter diagnosis: according to the Croatian Ski Association, Popovic suffered a partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament in her left knee, a pulled collateral ligament and a bone bruise.

Leona Popovic (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Leona Popovic

"After further examinations and in cooperation with the medical team, a decision will be made as to whether the injury can be treated conservatively or whether an operation is necessary," the statement reads.

Twice on the podium in the World Cup
At last year's World Cup final in Soldeu, Popovic made it onto the slalom podium for the first time in second place. In November, the 26-year-old was only beaten by US star Mikaela Shiffirn in Levi, missing out on her first victory by just 18 hundredths. Now the bitter setback - Popovic had imagined a very different end to the season.

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