Missing from the U-committee

“That was a mass exodus of FPÖ members”

20.03.2024 06:00

In the current "TV duel" between Andreas Mölzer and Eva Glawischnig on krone.tv, one of the topics discussed was the many FPÖ-affiliated respondents who did not come to the parliamentary sub-committee on "red-blue abuse of power" despite being invited. Or who did come, but did not want to answer any questions.

Mölzer, conciliatory regarding their absence: "I can understand one thing: when you see what happened to Kurz because of a flippant, casual remark in front of the sub-committee and then you stand in front of the criminal court with a monster trial, of course everyone thinks about that these days." Glawischnig, on the other hand, is combative and does not agree with the absence at all: "Well, I don't think so. It was almost a mass exodus of FPÖ members".

Committee primitive polemics
"These were six people close to the FPÖ with the worst excuses. The former Minister of Social Affairs bought a ticket to Munich after the summons and said she was abroad. So this is really an embarrassment. Of course, a U-committee is not pleasant. But everyone has a duty to go and contribute to clarification".

Eva Glawischnig on krone.tv in the current "TV duel". (Bild: krone.tv )
Eva Glawischnig on krone.tv in the current "TV duel".

"The committee didn't even have a witness on Thursday because no one came." Mölzer, calmer towards the FPÖ: "This committee as such is already primitive polemics in terms of the topic. They just said we're not playing along. Somehow I understand that, because the committee is a lousy Punch and Judy show."

Another topic of discussion was the question of whether Salzburg City will have a communist mayor in the run-off election on Palm Sunday. You can see the respective positions of the two duelists on this and many other political topics in the video above.

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