Tragic story

Pop star seeks new home for dog “Scooby”

02.03.2024 19:00

The story is heartbreaking. Owner Anita Gmeiner has to part with her beloved four-legged friend "Scooby" for health reasons. Pop star Nina Stern helps with the placement.

Anita Gmeiner and her dog "Scooby" were one heart and one soul for four years. Suddenly, things took an unexpected turn. The 67-year-old was forced to sell her house in St. Kathrein for health reasons. She moved into an apartment. Unfortunately, animals are not allowed in there. It is therefore with a heavy heart that she has to part with her four-legged friend.

The singer's partner, Franky Wild, is also committed to helping animals in need, as in the case of Antia Gmeiner. (Bild: Christian schulter)
The singer's partner, Franky Wild, is also committed to helping animals in need, as in the case of Antia Gmeiner.

Financial double burden for pensioner
A difficult time for the pensioner. "Scooby was always my faithful companion," says Gmeiner wistfully. There is also the double financial burden: until the house is sold, the 67-year-old has to pay for the property and the apartment. While she lives in the new apartment, the four-legged friend stays behind in the house. The pensioner commutes several times a day to feed "Scooby" and spend time with him.

Pop star helps with dog placement
She is now receiving active support from pop singer Nina Stern and her partner Franky Wild. The singer has been committed to animal welfare for years. "I am confident that we will find a new home for Scooby," says the passionate animal lover.

"Scooby is vaccinated, chipped and neutered. Now that he is 15 years old, he no longer likes to walk long distances. He likes to be surrounded by people. He loves lying in the sun and riding in the car," says the owner. Anyone interested can call 0699/114 95 749.

Christian Schulter
Christian Schulter
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