Premiere at home

A truly magical premiere in St. Pölten

03.03.2024 06:05

The mental magicians Thommy Ten and Amélie van Tass invited guests to a magical evening, broke records and thanked St. Pölten.

They enchanted the guests, whirled through the air, put on a fire show - and thanked St. Pölten at the end of their incomparable show: Thommy Ten and Amélie van Tass and magic dog "Koni Hundini" invited guests to a truly magical evening at the VAZ in the provincial capital.

After extensive rehearsals on the VAZ grounds, the time had finally come: at exactly 7.30 pm on Friday evening, the curtain went up for the first time! Bigger, more impressive, more enchanting and, above all, more magical was the motto. At the world premiere of "Dreifach zauberhaft - Die Las Vegas Show", a total of 3,000 people gathered at the VAZ in St. Pölten to watch the brand new show live.

The sky was the limit!
The internationally sought-after duo from Lower Austria not only surprised the audience with many new tricks, but also broke completely new ground - to lofty heights. They trained hard for this in their second home in Las Vegas. Under the watchful eye of the Cirque du Soleil team, the third part of the trilogy also included some acrobatics.

Koni Hundini plays a leading role in the magic masterpiece. He even drove up in his own coach. (Bild: Matthias Köstler)
Koni Hundini plays a leading role in the magic masterpiece. He even drove up in his own coach.
Party after the premiere: Thommy and Amélie celebrated the successful evening with artists such as Monika Ballwein Alexander Eder, media representatives and celebrities. (Bild: Molnar Attila)
Party after the premiere: Thommy and Amélie celebrated the successful evening with artists such as Monika Ballwein Alexander Eder, media representatives and celebrities.
It all began in St. Pölten: Mayor Matthias Stadler (right) (Bild: Molnar Attila)
It all began in St. Pölten: Mayor Matthias Stadler (right)
Selfies with the stars were in high demand. (Bild: Molnar Attila)
Selfies with the stars were in high demand.

"Fiery show" provides excitement
And there was also plenty of "danger with spears and fire" - according to Thommy "at Amélie's express request". In addition to impressive special effects, there was also plenty of reminiscing: this is where it all began for the two mental magicians in the state capital. Thommy Ten started performing magic at the age of ten. After he met Amélie, the two magic artists gave their first full-length performance in St. Pölten.

They would never have dreamed of breaking an absolute record. On the premiere evening, Thommy Ten and Amélie van Tass also received the "Ticket Award" for a total of 50,000 visitors to the VAZ in St. Pölten alone. "That's never happened before. Not even Ed Sheeran and Zucchero have managed that," said manager René Voak, visibly proud. The magical duo also expressed their gratitude: In the last show act, Thommy flipped open the text "Danke St. Pölten" (Thank you St. Pölten) from an initially empty packet of tickets.

By the way: the two shows on Saturday were also sold out - so the next record is already looming.

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