In the middle of Floridsdorf

Pregnant dog abandoned at the train station

01.03.2024 13:52

A heavily pregnant Shar-Pei bitch was tied up and left behind at the train station in Vienna Floridsdorf. Despite her poor state of health, she gave birth to seven puppies shortly afterwards - unfortunately the eighth did not survive.

The expectant mother was in a deplorable condition and suffering from severe neglect, while the fate of her unborn puppies hung in the balance.

Despite these frightening circumstances, the Shar-Pei bitch "Snow White" gave birth to seven puppies a few days after her rescue at TierQuarTier Vienna. Unfortunately, one of them died immediately after birth.

The dog has a strong maternal instinct and protects her little darlings. (Bild: TierQuarTier)
The dog has a strong maternal instinct and protects her little darlings.

Strong fighter
"Snow White" proves to be a wonderful mother dog who lovingly cares for her little munchkins. She also longs for human affection and can't get enough cuddles. It's heartbreaking to learn that people abandon their pets, whether out of ignorance, excessive demands or financial hardship.

Breed-related suffering
This dog is a tragic example of this harrowing reality. In addition to her suffering, she struggles with rolling eyelids that require urgent surgical correction after the puppies are born to ensure their long-term well-being. Unfortunately, this is a common health issue in Shar-Peis, with many dogs of this breed struggling with eye disease.

The city of Vienna is now relying on the public's help:

  • Have you seen anything conspicuous or know where the dog came from?
  • Did you recognize the dog in the picture?
  • Then please contact the City of Vienna's lost property service for pets on 01/4000 8060.

Happy future in sight
Snow White" and her puppies are currently being lovingly cared for in a foster home. But soon they will be ready to start a new chapter in a good home where they will receive the love and care they deserve.

Abandoning animals is a criminal offense
"In light of this moving story, we would like to remind everyone that pets are not disposable. Abandoning animals, whether out of ignorance, excessive demands or financial need, not only causes unnecessary suffering but is also a criminal offense. Please think carefully before getting a pet," appeals Thomas Benda, Operations Manager of TierQuarTier. The abandonment of animals is prohibited, with penalties of up to € 7,500.

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