Grace period until 2040

Stricter EU limits for air pollution

21.02.2024 11:50

Stricter limit values for air pollution are to apply in the EU from 2030. The directive provides for stricter limit and target values for several pollutants, including particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and ozone. In some cases, the new values do not have to be met until 2040.

According to a new directive, EU countries can apply for an extended deadline until 2035 by the beginning of 2029 if they are unable to meet the targets set in time.

Detailed roadmaps required by 2028
Under certain conditions, such as climatic circumstances or a significant impact on the heating system, this deadline could even be extended to 2040. The EU Parliament has also ensured that countries must submit detailed roadmaps by the end of 2028 on the measures they will take to achieve the targets.

Graphic: Austria's greenhouse gas emissions

With this new directive, the EU regulations are to be adapted to the current air quality guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). This includes stricter annual limit values for particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2). In particular, the limit value for PM2.5 is to be reduced from 25 μg/m3 to 10 μg/m3 and the limit value for NO2 from 40 μg/m3 to 20 μg/m3.

High particulate matter pollution in Austria
In Austria, the new particulate matter limits have so far been regularly exceeded, as data from the Federal Environment Agency shows. An analysis by Verkehrsclub Österreich (VCÖ) last November showed that the guideline values were exceeded at all measuring points in Austria in 2022, as well as at 75 percent of nitrogen dioxide measuring points.

Renegotiations possible
Following the agreement on Tuesday evening, the compromise still needs to be formally approved by the Council of the EU member states and the EU Parliament. Although this is generally considered a formality, there have been repeated instances recently of EU states subsequently questioning the compromise that has already been reached and calling for renegotiations.
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